To know, understand and follow the Guard Duties as set out in the Security Plan.To know and understand all Hart SOP’s and follow it.
To maintain a high level of weapon handling skills with the AK 47 firearm.
To know and understand the rules for the use of force and escalation of force and follow it.
To know and understand client protocol procedures to be followed as prescribed in the Hart Training Manual.
To know and understand culture awareness in the working environment.
To know and understand the principles set out in the Montreux Document and Voluntary Principals on Human Rights and to follow it.
To know and understand Fire Prevention, Fire Fighting Techniques and Fire Drills as set out in the Security Plan for the UNSOS compound and follow it.
To know and understand search procedures and techniques and to always follow it.
To know and understand Access Control Procedures as set out in the Security Plan and to ensure it is always followed.
To maintain a high level of fitness at a level not below as prescribed by the Hart Annual Fitness Test.
To know and understand how to use the Handheld Radio and the correct radio procedures to be followed.
To know and understand the chain of command and reporting chain as required.
To know and understand Observation and Threat Awareness Techniques and to always apply it.
Experience and Knowledge
At least 3 years military/police experience essential, with some Private security experience advantages.
Experience working in austere environments essential.
Clear Police record
Basic knowledge of the English Language essential.
Physically and Mentally Fit
Competency in weapons systems
Job Description/Details
To know, understand and follow the Guard Duties as set out in the Security Plan.To know and understand all Hart SOP’s and follow it.
To maintain a high level of weapon handling skills with the AK 47 firearm.
To know and understand the rules for the use of force and escalation of force and follow it.
To know and understand client protocol procedures to be followed as prescribed in the Hart Training Manual.
To know and understand culture awareness in the working environment.
To know and understand the principles set out in the Montreux Document and Voluntary Principals on Human Rights and to follow it.
To know and understand Fire Prevention, Fire Fighting Techniques and Fire Drills as set out in the Security Plan for the UNSOS compound and follow it.
To know and understand search procedures and techniques and to always follow it.
To know and understand Access Control Procedures as set out in the Security Plan and to ensure it is always followed.
To maintain a high level of fitness at a level not below as prescribed by the Hart Annual Fitness Test.
To know and understand how to use the Handheld Radio and the correct radio procedures to be followed.
To know and understand the chain of command and reporting chain as required.
To know and understand Observation and Threat Awareness Techniques and to always apply it.
Experience and Knowledge
At least 3 years military/police experience essential, with some Private security experience advantages.
Experience working in austere environments essential.
Clear Police record
Basic knowledge of the English Language essential.
Physically and Mentally Fit
Competency in weapons systems